
Lennert Bontinck

Affiliation: Ghent University - Imec

Interest/Expertise: I have experience with AI.

Expertise: Deep Learning for ECG Arrhythmia Forecasting

Dirk De Beule

Affiliation: Ghent University Hosptial

Interest/Expertise: I have experience with AI.


Leen Bouckaert

Affiliation: Artevelde University of Applied Sciences

Interest/Expertise: I have experience with AI.

Expertise: Implementation in health care, adoption of health care workers

Tom Braekeleirs
Prof. Tom Braekeleirs

Affiliation: Ghent University

Interest/Expertise: I have experience with AI.

Expertise: Impact of AI on people, acceptable AI, applications of AI in healthcare

dr. Tinne Claeys

Affiliation: Ghent University - VIB

Interest/Expertise: I have experience with AI.

Expertise: Computational biology, machine learning, deep learning, LLMs

Thomas Cuelenaere

Affiliation: Ghent University Hospital - HOGENT

Interest/Expertise: I am interested in working with AI.

Expertise: Nursing science, emergency care, intensive care, health care management, health care innovation

Prof. Femke De Backere

Affiliation: Ghent University - Imec

Interest/Expertise: I have experience with AI.

Expertise: Knowledge-based systems, designed to capture the knowledge of human experts to support decision-making, with a focus on personalization and context-awareness.

Prof. Mieke De Bruyne

Affiliation: Ghent University - Ghent University Hospital

Interest/Expertise: I am interested in working with AI.

Expertise: Endodontology, ergonomics, dentistry

Paul De Buck

Affiliation: Ghent University

Interest/Expertise: I am interested in working with AI.

Expertise: Physiotherapy

dr. Arnaud De Clercq

Affiliation: Ghent University - Ghent University Hospital

Interest/Expertise: I am interested in working with AI.

Expertise: Antibiotics, geriatrics, emergency medicine

prof. Kathleen De Preter

Affiliation: Ghent University - VIB

Interest/Expertise: I have interested in working with AI.

Expertise: Genomics, bioinformatics, liquid biopsies, single cell analysis, biomarker studies, DNA and RNA sequencing, Computational deconvolution

Prof. Guy De Tré

Affiliation: Ghent University

Interest/Expertise: I have experience with AI.

Expertise: Trustful, explainable AI. Data veracity.

Alexander Decruyenaere
dr. Alexander Decruyenaere

Affiliation: Ghent University - Ghent University Hospital

Interest/Expertise: I have experience with AI.

Expertise: Synthetic data, deep generative models, causal machine learning

Prof. Johan Decruyenaere

Affiliation: Ghent University - Ghent University Hospital

Interest/Expertise: I have experience with AI.

Expertise: Machine learning, genAI, decision support and synthetic data

dr. Philippe Decruyenaere

Affiliation: Ghent University - Ghent University Hospital

Interest/Expertise: I am interested in working with AI.

Expertise: Diffuus grootcellig B-cellymfoom (DLBCL), Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), cell-free RNA, liquid biopsy, lymphoma

dr. Isabelle Dehaene

Affiliation: Ghent University Hospital

Interest/Expertise: I have experience with AI.

Expertise: Prediction and obstetrics

Prof. Thomas Demeester

Affiliation: Ghent University - Imec

Interest/Expertise: I have experience with AI.

Expertise: Natural language modelling (information extraction, LLMs), predictive modelling (classical machine learning, neural networks design), neural representation learning, synthetic data generation, neuro-symbolic reasoning, causal machine learning

Wim Dewispelaere
Wim Dewispelaere

Affiliation: Ghent University - Imec

Interest/Expertise: I am interested in working with AI.

Expertise: IMEC WP, business developer Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen en Architectuur Vakgroep Informatietechnologie

dr. Chloë De Witte

Affiliation: Ghent University Hospital

Interest/Expertise: I have interested in working with AI.

Expertise: Innovation and valorisation in health(care)

Prof. Dieter De Witte

Affiliation: Ghent University

Interest/Expertise: I have experience with AI.

Expertise: At UGent-IDLab, we work with Computer Vision, LLMs,... on applied AI use cases. We enrich image collections (annotations) and look for new interactions: we make them searchable, we add dialogue, etc

Prof. Celine Everaert

Affiliation: Ghent University

Interest/Expertise: I have experience with AI.

Expertise: Liquid biopsy, transcriptomics, cancer, big data

dr. Maarten Glibert

Affiliation: Ghent University - Ghent University Hospital

Interest/Expertise: I am interested in working with AI.

Expertise: Dentistry

Tom Goffin
Prof. Tom Goffin

Affiliation: Ghent University

Interest/Expertise: I have experience with AI.

Expertise: Health law

Piet Hoebeke
prof. Piet Hoebeke

Affiliation: Ghent University - Ghent University Hospital

Interest/Expertise: I have interest in working with AI.

Expertise: Pediatric urology

dr. Chloé Kastoer

Affiliation: Ghent University - Ghent University Hospital

Interest/Expertise: I am interested in working with AI.

Expertise: Slaap-snurkpathologie, laryngologie slikproblemen, pediatrische nko-problemen, slaapgebonden ademhalingsstoornissen bij kinderen

dr. Valery Labarque

Affiliation: Ghent University

Interest/Expertise: I am interested in working with AI.

Expertise: Education innovation

Bene Lamote

Affiliation: Ghent University

Interest/Expertise: I am interested in working with AI.

Expertise: Veterinary science

John Lebon

Affiliation: Miles Ahead Advisory Partner - Flanders Technology & Innovation Health Tech Advisor

Interest/Expertise: I am interested in working with AI.

Expertise: business intelligence, retail, manufacturing, and healthcare

Prof. Simon Malfait

Affiliation: Ghent University - Ghent University Hospital

Interest/Expertise: I have experience with AI.

Expertise: Research towards acceptance of nurses towards technology and its impact of implementation, cost-effectiveness of AI/technology on nursing activity, research on how AI can help nursing research, implementation and evidence-based nursing

Lennart Martens
Prof. Lennart Martens

Affiliation: Ghent University - VIB

Interest/Expertise: I have experience with AI.

Expertise: Bio-informatics, proteomics, metabolomics, systems biology, Machine Learning

Björn Menten
Prof. Björn Menten

Affiliation: Ghent University - Ghent University Hospital

Interest/Expertise: I am interested in working with AI.

Expertise: Genomics, prenatal genetic testing, preimplantation genetic testing, whole genome sequencing, long read sequencing

Prof. Heidi Mertes

Affiliation: Ghent University

Interest/Expertise: I have experience with AI.

Expertise: Ethics of AI in healthcare

dr. Jonathan Peck

Affiliation: Ghent University - VIB

Interest/Expertise: I have experience with AI.

Expertise: Computer vision and robustness

dr. Sofia Palmieri

Affiliation: Ghent University - European Institute for Innovation through Health Data

Interest/Expertise: I have experience with AI.

Expertise: Health law, AI Governance, AI liability, patients' rights

Han Peetermans

Affiliation: Ibis.AI

Interest/Expertise: I have experience with AI.

Expertise: delivers advanced clinical language understanding for hospitals.

Pim Pullens
Prof. Pim Pullens

Affiliation: Ghent University - Ghent University Hospital

Interest/Expertise: I have experience with AI.

Expertise: quantitative imaging biomarkers, imaging data acquisition, imaging data curation, image processing, segmentation

dr. Dries Pieters

Affiliation: Ghent University

Interest/Expertise: I am interested in working with AI.

Expertise: Orthopaedics, Human movement and sports sciences, Rehabilitation sciences 

Niki Rashidian
Prof. Niki Rashidian

Affiliation: Ghent University - Ghent University Hospital

Interest/Expertise: I have experience with AI.

Expertise: Surgical Oncology, Surgical Education, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Hepatobiliary Surgery

dr. Saskia Roggeman

Affiliation: PC Sint-Jan Baptist, Zelzate

Interest/Expertise: I am interested in working with AI.

Expertise:  Ecological, ethological, physiological, environmental, ecotoxicological and Urological research

dr. Pieter Rondou

Affiliation: Ghent University

Interest/Expertise: I am interested in working with AI.

Expertise: Cancer research, molecular biology, cancer biology, research communication, research coordination, event management

Lode Sabbe

Affiliation: Ghent University Hospital - Ghent University

Interest/Expertise: I have experience with AI.

Expertise: using AI in daily and clinical practice within the healthcare sector - rehabilitation sector

Tom Vanacker

Affiliation: Ghent University Hospital

Interest/Expertise: I am interested in working with AI.

Expertise: Kwaliteitscoördinator integrale kwaliteitszorg

Prof. Stefaan Vandenberghe

Affiliation: Ghent University

Interest/Expertise: I have experience with AI.

Expertise: image formation and processing, denoising PET, SPECT and CT. One of the founders of

An Van den Broecke

Affiliation: Ghent University

Interest/Expertise: I am interested in working with AI.

Expertise: IP & Licensing manager UGent, Technology transfer

Prof. Jimmy Van den Eynden

Affiliation: Ghent University - CRIG

Interest/Expertise: I have experience with AI.

Expertise: Computational cancer genomics, bioinformatics, data science, application of machine learning models for genomic predictions

Prof. Barbara Vanderstraeten

Affiliation: Ghent University - Ghent University Hospital

Interest/Expertise: I have experience with AI.

Expertise: Medical radiation physics, radiotherapy, medical imaging

Katya Van Driessche

Affiliation: Ghent University Hospital

Interest/Expertise: I am interested in working with AI.

Expertise: Data protection officer

dr. Matthias Van Heetvelde

Affiliation: Ghent University

Interest/Expertise: I am interested in working with AI.

Expertise: Bioinformatics, non-coding RNA, medical genetics, hereditary cancer syndromes

Prof. Sofie Van Hoecke

Affiliation: Ghent University - Imec

Interest/Expertise: I have experience with AI.

Expertise: Design of machine learning and hybrid AI - incorporating domain/expert knowledge into the AI/ML - for diagnostics, Disease management and prediction - antibiotic therapy, migraine, MS, depression, neuromodulation, hip dysplasia, wounds, burning wounds

Henri Van Overmeire

Affiliation: PointCaré

Interest/Expertise: I have experience with AI.

Expertise: Semantic artificial intelligence, knowledge graphs, critical care, anesthesiology, native machine learning

dr. Philippe Van Rompaey

Affiliation: Health innovation and research institute Ghent University Hospital

Interest/Expertise: I am interested in working with AI.

Expertise: Innovation & valorisation in health(care)

Prof. Hans Van Vlierberghe

Affiliation: Ghent University - Ghent University Hospital

Interest/Expertise: I am interested in working with AI.

Expertise: Hepatocellular carcinoma, Liver transplantation, Liver diseases

Louis Verdonckt

Affiliation: Cavell

Interest/Expertise: I have experience with AI.

Expertise: Using gen AI to reduce admin in healthcare to a minimum.

Prof. Bruno Verhasselt

Affiliation: Ghent University - Ghent University Hospital

Interest/Expertise: I have experience with AI.

Expertise: Virology, HIV, herpes, microbiome, diagnostic applications of AI

dr. Lia Visintin

Affiliation: Ghent University

Interest/Expertise: I am interested in working with AI.

Expertise: Mycotoxins

dr. Basiel Weyers

Affiliation: Ghent University - Ghent University Hospital

Interest/Expertise: I am interested in working with AI.

Expertise: Gynaecology

dr. Evi Wezenbeek

Affiliation: Ghent University

Interest/Expertise: I am interested in working with AI.

Expertise: virtual reality, human movement sciences