The Health Intelligence Network.Gent (HINT.GENT) was established as an initiative by the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at Ghent University, in collaboration with Ghent University Hospital. HINT.GENT envisions a future where humans and AI …
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Are you ready to unleash your creativity and tackle real-world challenges? Join the HINT.GENT Innovation Sprint , where brainstorming meets innovation! The innovation sprint aims to generate practical and impactful ideas for developing AI-driven tools …
Join us for an engaging session exploring the transformative power of AI. François Remy (IDLab) will introduce the fundamentals of Large Language Models (LLMs) , and Steven Callens (UZ Gent) will demonstrate the practical applications of Microsoft Copilot …
Biannual networking for HINT-members to discuss progress & partnerships. …
During this evening, we bring together professionals from various health professions and representatives from the programs within the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences to exchange ideas about AI in the healthcare landscape. Together, we aim to …
Lennert Bontinck Affiliation : Ghent University - Imec Interest/Expertise : I have experience with AI. Expertise : Deep Learning for ECG Arrhythmia Forecasting Research Explorer profile LinkedIn profile Dirk De Beule Affiliation …
We’re happy to announce that the paper, Debiasing Synthetic Data Generated by Deep Generative Models , conducted as part of the SYNDARA project, has been accepted to NeurIPS 2024! This collaborative work by dr. Alexander Decruyenaere, dr. Heidelinde …
The yearly HINT.GENT event bringing together experts and innovations of AI in health! A day filled with fascinating demonstrations, research on AI in health and networking …
It’s finally here: the long-awaited book Medicine in the Age of AI has been released! Written by two prominent members of HINT.GENT, Prof. Wim Van Biesen and Prof. Sigrid Sterckx, this book offers an in-depth look at the impact of artificial intelligence …